About Us

  • Synergy Innovations is a leader in providing digital transformation services & solutions to Fortune 500 companies in the United States. We strive to create the firm of the future. Analytical based Project Management, Complex ERP solutions designing and highly experienced talent acquisitions are core competencies of Synergy Innovations.

    We continue to be ranked at the top of the staffing industry as one of the fastest growing firms in the industry. The services we offer fall into the broad categories of Design, Development, Configuration, Deployment of Softwares Like SAP, Oracle, Microsoft & Big Data etc.

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Our Services

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence exhibited by machines. In computer science, the field of AI research defines itself as the study of "intelligent agents"..

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The Internet of things (IoT) is the inter-networking of physical devices, vehicles (also referred to as "connected devices" and "smart devices"), buildings, and other..

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Machine Learning

Machine learning and the larger world of artificial intelligence (AI) are no longer the stuff of science fiction. They’re here – and many businesses are already taking advantage.

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